Archive for August, 2008

Thanks for the Life



up next to the tom bean

up next to the tom bean


silence to reenter home

motion in the corner of my frames 
a smudge that turns with me
long lump that my chair wheel bumps
 a corner of sweater fallen off its back
form by entryway doesn’t move
 solid tripping shoes
closet opening and stepping back
 at the spirit that is apt to leave
orange zest spritz causes no withdrawal 
 no wince of guilt at indulging
the hips that swing autopilot
 down an irrelevant aisle
italian wedding soup eaten 
 undisturbed, no caroling wish
darker sprawl on evening’s bed
 a dark blouse, a jacket, jeans
the feet that pause to check level
 water in bowl that hasn’t been
list for business trip one fewer box
what my hand glances off of
 a night reach pets into book
pat and scratch of sheets
 low voice has no jumped reply
not the cat, habit is only inhabitant.

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